I think last year for CHD week I shared lots of scary facts and figures about CHD's and how it is the #1 birth defect in America with not enough funding, etc. That's all still true, but this year my CHD message is to encourage everyone to love like you only have half a heart. You see, when you only have half a heart (or love someone with only half a heart) you know that time is precious and the people around you are incredibly important. You pray often, and never miss an opportunity to say "I love you." You are better able to mourn with those that mourn, and celebrate seemingly small, miraculous victories. Your patience is increased and forgiveness comes more easily. And all because you have been blessed with a little insight from heaven that life is fleeting and special and not to be taken for granted.
Jack and his little half heart have blessed my life in so many ways and taught me so many lessons I can no longer count (though Jack would probably tell you "six").
Very well said. It is amazing to think of the lessons we have learned on this journey...and how to love because of it. I hope you guys make a trip up here in March! Please let me know! Maybe Jack will teach Grant how to move!
Good growing Jack! He's caught up to Bethany in weight. I'll post their stats on my blog. :)
I love your thoughtful post and all of you. The challenges we face truly make us better able to appreciate all that we have.
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