Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Early Intervention and Cousins

Hardy's been off playing in New York for work this week, so Jack and I have been keeping busy so we don't get lonely.

Yesterday I had someone from Early Intervention come test Jack. They work with kids ages 0-3 who have developmental delays for any reason to help them catch up. Jack is doing great lately, but he doesn't like to put weight on his legs other than to jump, and we're no where near crawling so I thought I'd just have them come look. Shawn, our tester, determined Jack is right on track or better in his cognitive, social, and fine motor skills, but yes, he's a month or two behind on his gross motor skills. Happily though he's not behind enough to be enrolled in the program, just on the borderline. Instead he showed me a few exercises and things to work on at home and he's going to follow up in a few months and see how things are going. If for some reason Jack hasn't made up some ground in the next while then they will retest him, but for now he really just needs more tummy time. Now that he can roll it's getting harder to do, but we're going to work on it.

Today we played with the cousins. Of course I forgot my camera, but we had lots of fun with Aunt Gwen, Paige, Seth and their new puppy Sophie who were in town for Spring Break. I wasn't sure who was in more trouble when they got too close, Jack or the puppy, but they both had a great time chewing on Jack's socks. We wish they lived closer so we could see them more often.

Then this evening I watched my sisters kids while their parents went to dinner. Oh how they love "Baby Jack." Little Josh just adores him and says his name in such a sappy voice. And Jack thinks they are just tricky as can be. We had fun.

As for me, I'm just excited to see my Hardy tomorrow.


Gwen said...

thanks for coming!! we had so much fun. I wish I had remembered my camera, ugh :(

Andrea Gunnell said...

I don't think I've ever left a comment to say hi. I found your blog a couple months ago. I also have a son with HLHS. He is 13 months old. I thought it was interesting to see how Jack is developing because my son, Kyson, did many of the same things. He wouldn't put any pressure on his legs for a long time. It took him a while to learn to roll over and he didn't start crawling until he was 11 months old. Now he is moving all over the place and pulling himself up to a standing position anywhere he can. It shouldn't be too long before he's walking. I know he is a couple months behind but my opinion is for all the time he spent in the hospital and recovering that isn't a surprise.
Another thing I have read on your blog is that you son doesn't seem to enjoy food and neither does Kyson. It took a very long time to get hime to eat solid foods and if he's not feeling well he completely refuses food. I am still nursing him to get as many calories in him as possible but slowly he seems to be improving.
Anyway, just wanted to leave a comment and say hi. Jack is very cute and I'm so happy to hear that he is doing well!

One Happy Heart Family said...

That is great news about Jack and Early Interventon. Kylie is also behind on her gross moter skills. She won't use her legs either, only to jump in the jumper. Funny how much these two are alike.
What a cute puppy. Glad you guys are doing so well.

Daisie said...

How fun to play with the cousins! I am glad you got to see them! And I just saw the cute Easter post as well! That outfit is so cute, and especially adorable on little Jack! You and Hardy look great as well! Looks like we will be coming for another visit soon! So I will be in touch! Take Care!