So, Jack is still not walking. Yes, I know all kids do things at there own pace, and yes, I know he's been through a lot so it's not a big deal that he's not walking. The problem is that he's got all the skills (he does great only holding onto one hand or pushing various objects around the house), he just won't let go and it's making us both frustrated. I think he would really like the trouble he can get into once he puts it all together and starts walking.
Anyone have any suggestions as to how to get him to finally figure it all out so I can stop spending my days tripping over the laundry basket, garbage can, tall toys, and anything else he pushes around the house so he can walk to where he wants to go? Or do I just need to be patient?
Transplant 4
1 month ago
My little guy (heart transplant) was 16 months when he finally walked, and what did the trick for him was when we would move the furniture farther apart so that he had to take a few steps to get around (does that make sense?).
Your little guy is adorable, and I am SOOO glad that you are all U of U fans! It's so nice to find heart friends that root for the Utes! My husband went to the U and I worked there, but we now live in Iowa. We sure miss it though!
I heard that if you put a clothes pin in each hand that it helps balance him out and gives him the sensation of adult fingers---I've never tried it, but its worth a try.
Deanna (Gracie's momma)
Don't worry about it. Kylie is will walk from 1 person to the other and back and forth from the couch to table,other than that she knows crawling will do it. I don't know if it is harder on her heart, but I do notice the beautiful purple lip color come in so quickly. I think they will all do it when they feel comfortable. I am going to try the clothes pin thing because Kylie will go everywhere when we are holding her hands, our PT said to walk them everywhere, to the bath, to the car, take them outside and let them go on different surfaces. I think it's more of a stuborn thing LOL Good luck, They will be running around cirlce so soon!
If I only knew some advice to give you! You should give me some advice, I can't even get Owen to bear much weight in his legs. I'd say patience is key. Have you tried a walker.. not like a granny walker.. but a toy walker? Or like a grocery cart, so it's like a toy?
GOOD LUCK! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the family pictures you had taken!!
The walking will come when you least expect it.
then you might be sorry you wished for such busy feet!!!
LOVE LOVE AND LOVE Some more you darling family pictures!!!!!!
Hey Aimee! I loved your cute family pictures! Little Jack is such a good looking guy! Little Laurie is just starting to sit up... but something that worked with Haili was having her hold a broom (or stick/pole) horizontally in front of her. I would hold on to one side of the broom stick while she was holding on with both hands. Then I would slyly take off my hand so she would walk by herself. That seemed to help her. I'm sure he's going to be walking any time now!
let me know what works!! We can use all the help we can get!!
So many good suggestions. I knew you'd all have good ideas.
We managed to get 2 steps out of him last night, so that's progress.
kids all develop on their own whether they are heart kids or not my boys were both different the oldent was alomost 14 months and the second one walked sooner. alot of encouragment and try having Jack walk between you and hardy while one of you holds a incentive of some type like his favorite treat. Jack will come when he is ready
My daughter was born on 9/2/08 and she is also not walking yet, also had heart surgery. My other 2 kiddos pretty much walked at 12 months but not she. I was actually thinking the same thing you because she is getting so heavy now. She weighs over 22 pounds and my writs really hurts after a while of her on my hip. Today I had her walk around more while holding on to one finger, she enjoys it, she can stand by herself and cruise on furniture, even takes a couple of steps but hopefully they will get there soon. =) Oh, and she does walk with a walker/toy stroller. Love the pic of your son at the top. He has beautiful blue eyes and looks adorable! Heart Hugs, from a fellow heart mommy ~ Michelle
In my experience with heart babies, they will do it when they feel like it. Teagan hasnt been walking all that long and Thatch only does what he wants, when he wants. Besides, hell just get into more stuff and more germs when he walks, right? He is sooooo yummy!
Hi, I'm a friend of Calleen's and just linked over. My son didn't walk until he was 17 months. It was frustrating to me but Peter didn't care. It will come in time. Jack is just waiting until he can run too.
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