Just as a follow up to my last post...
This morning Jack decided he wanted to get up and stay up at 4:30. Heck no! After several attempts to get him back to sleep to no avail I finally pulled out the "Jackson Thomas Hardy!" in a very stern mommy voice and let him know that it was time to go back to sleep and no one would be coming in to rescue him until at least 7:00. I closed the door to his room and didn't hear a peep until 7:45! Small victory, but I'll take it.
Transplant 4
1 month ago
Okay little Jackson is rubbing off on Kylie. She has also started getting up around 4:30 am compared to her usual 8am. I have it okay though, because Bryce gets up at 5:30 to go to work. So I get baby happy then daddy off to work by then its about 7am and nap time. PHEW these little ones are so needy :) I am glad he went back to sleep, We don't have that option, Kylie is in our room so I lay there for about 15 minutes before I give in. She is so cute and just lays there clicking her toy or just making sweet little ohs. I will promise you this. 1 day he will want to sleep in until 3pm in the afternoon and not want to get out of bed. Its called teenagism. :)
Isn't it fun! Daniel thinks that sometime between 5 and 6 is the time to get up. Since he is currently sharing a room with Aunt April, I can't leave him in there to his own devices. So I tried turning on the tv so that I could get a little more sleep. Unfortunately he has recently learned how to open the refrigerator and climb over all the gates in the house. So one morning I found him sitting in front of the fridge eating cool whip and blue berries. I didn't learn my lesson and the next morning not only did he have the cool whip and blueberries, he had emptied the refrigerated water into the crisper, dumped the egg whites into a bowl and was just getting ready to eat them and had the spinach strewn all over the kitchen. I hope I have now learned my lesson, but oh how sweet sleep is.
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